
Several years ago our director began to feel a burden to reach out to families who work in the city dump of Tegucigalpa. We began by taking food and praying for people and sharing the freedom that knowing Christ can bring. These outreaches were filled with amazing divine appointments and much joy. But we wondered if there was something that we could do to bring more lasting change. The idea came to invite children who were not attending school to become a part of our Jericho School family in the city. We were able to purchase several new vans to help transport the children so that they could attend our school. The teachers began to realize the need to make home visits to work with the families of the children and that’s how our outreach to families working in the dump has expanded. One example is a family who believed that collecting garbage was their destiny. The director of our school challenged this couple to believe that God had more for them. The wife has now graduated from High School and is taking college courses online to become a teacher. She and her husband who is skilled in animal husbandry now serve out at our children’s home.