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Short-Term Missions

We would love for your to come visit! When visiting Jericho we consider a 1-2 week visit a short-term missions visit. There is never a lack of opportunity to serve at Jericho. We ask that you come with a willing heart and hands that are ready to serve. Ministry can take on many forms here from playing soccer with the children to painting mud brick walls from cooking for the whole crew to doing puppet shows in a villagefrom teaching English to building a chicken coop! There is always something to be done and if look for a way to serve, you will surely find it. Expect to be challenged and changed by the power of the Holy Spirit as you reach out in His Name! If you would like to set up a visit to Jericho with your church or small group, please find our contact box at the bottom of the page.


Long-Term Missions

Pro 3:5 With all your heart you must trust the LORD and not your own judgment.
Pro 3:6 Always let him lead you, and he will clear the road for you to follow

Should you sense God leading you to serve at Jericho for a longer term (normally two years or more) we would encourage you to contact us so that the steps for becoming a part of the ministry in Honduras can be initiated. Normally you will need to fill out the long term application and then visit the ministry to help in the discernment process. It’s important for you to get to know us and for us to get to know you before making a long term commitment. 

Jericho is looking for the following characteristics in long term missionaries:
Teachable spirit
Ability to adapt to the culture
positive attitude working with leadership from several nations

evidence of willingness to work under the Jericho vision and values
willingness to be accountable
willingness to work under leadership direction
demonstration of a servant heart
willingness to live in community and love others with His love
flexibility, able to trust in God’s plan and not one’s own understanding

All Long term missionaries are required to raise their own support and to have to have medical insurance coverage.
More Information:
For more information, continue on to The Long-Term Mission Application Process.


Long-Term Mission Application Process

The Long-Term Mission process is in place to ensure that all Jericho missionaries have a deep understanding of Jericho’s vision and core values, and feel comfortable serving in line with them. The process of joining Jericho in long-term service are as follows.
Familiarize yourself with Jericho
We ask that you familiarize yourself with several books that were pivotal in the founding of the ministry. They are “The Cross and the Switchblade” by David Wilkerson and George Mueller’s autobiography. We also encourage you to do the course called “Experiencing God” by Henry Blackaby if you have not already done so. We also recommend viewing the Jericho blog and reading the newsletters on our website Pre-application preparations

Seek the Lord for confirmation of your call to serve with Jericho Ministries. We encourage you to ask God for a confirmational verse from His Word through prayer and fasting. You will need to have the support of your home church and develop and team of intercessors and supporters who are willing to be a part of your spiritual journey on the mission field.

Begin the process
If you have completed the above, please contact the long term committee who will assist you in the next step. Contact